It is with much excitement that we announce Hon Lianne Dialzel as our November speaker!
As Lianne is the Minister of Women's Affairs, the Minister for Small Business, and the Minister of Commerce – it's the perfect combo for entrepreneurial chicks like US!
The Minister will be talking about what the government is doing for small business, creative business and women in business.
It's also your chance to have a say: you'll be welcome to ask questions about government policy and plans for business, particularly as it relates to women in business. (That's you!)
The Minister's attendance at Socket will be timely considering that Paid Parental Leave for the Self Employed recenly kicked off. Under this new legislation that came into effect on the 1 July, self-employed mothers are now eligible for paid parental leave like employee mothers. Great news! The Hon Lianne Dalziel is an experienced Labour MP who has been in Parliament since 1990. Ms Dalziel first entered the Cabinet in 1999. She is also a former lawyer.
A guaranteed FASCINATING Socket event!!
Venue: Creative HQ
Level 4, 25a Marion Street, Wellington
wine and beer $4-$6, nibbles – koha
Time 5.30pm - 7.00pm
Date Tuesday 7 November
We'd love to see you there, as well as your female friends and whanau.
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