
Socket is an informal gathering for creative and complimentary businesses – owned or run by women in Wellington, Aotearoa. Its free, it’s fun -- plug into a network of information and support

Friday, October 27, 2006

CRAFTWERK : Wellington – applications for November

What the?
Didn't we all JUST go through this?

We're taking applications once again for 'CRAFTWERK - DÍA DE LOS MUERTOS'. Taking over The Southern Cross once again on Thursady the 23rd of November, 5-9pm.

Applications are open untill 5pm Wednesday November 8th.
Vendors will be anounced on Thursday November 9th.
Stalls will coast $20 and must be recived by Thursday 16th of November.

To apply just send us an email with the following details...

Your name:
Company name:
Phone number:
Web site:
Detailed description of the types of things you will be selling: Short 1-2 sentance blurb summing up what you do
Photos: if you have them, either email them to us or send us a link to flickr, blogs etc.

There's a huge demand for Craftwerk stalls, so not everyone will get in. Don't let it put you off if your not accepted this time round. Our aim is to try and get as many new craft kids involved as possible, but also to continue supporting successful vendors from previous events.

The Craftwerk website


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