
Socket is an informal gathering for creative and complimentary businesses – owned or run by women in Wellington, Aotearoa. Its free, it’s fun -- plug into a network of information and support

Thursday, October 19, 2006


dear friends,

it was with great sadness that we learned on sunday that our dear friend and magdalena aotearoa co-founder sally rodwell has died. her funeral is to be held on thursday 19 october at 2.30pm, at erskine chapel, avon st., island bay, wellington.

a big celebration of sally's life will be held this sunday, 22nd october, from 2pm onwards, at The Studio, 146 riddiford st, newtown, wellington. please bring a plate / BYO. you are very welcome to come and people will be able to speak, sing, perform, etc.

the magdalena evening we had planned to hold in wellington on thursday 26th october has been postponed; we will let you know when we have another date for it.

with love,
the magdalena aotearoa trustees

Magdalena Aotearoa Trust
PO Box 27 300
Aotearoa New Zealand


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