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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

LECTURE : Patricia Moore, internationally renowned designer and gerontologist

Public Lecture by Patricia Moore

Wellington : 22 Sep 2006

VUW Schools of Architecture and Design, 139 Vivian Street, Wellington, Lecture Theatre 1

Friday 22 September, 6pm-7pm

OR Auckland : 13 Oct 2006

Venue: UNITEC School of Design.

Time: Friday 13 October, 6.00 -7.00 pm To be confirmed, plus venue.

Inquiries, please contact Dr. Cristiaan de Groot. Email Phone: 09 8154321 ext.8778


Patricia Moore, President of Moore Design Associates and Adjunct Professor of Industrial Design at Arizona State University is visiting New Zealand as the Southern Cross/NZiRA Visiting Fellow 2006.

Inquiries, please contact Natasha Perkins, phone 04 463 6223

Patricia Moore is an internationally renowned designer and gerontologist, serving as a leading authority on consumer lifespan behaviour and requirements. For a period of three years (1979-1982), in an exceptional and daring experiment, Moore traveled throughout the United States and Canada disguised as women more than eighty years of age. With her body altered to simulate the normal sensory changes associated with aging, she was able to respond to people, products, and environments as an elder.

Her broad range of experience includes Research, Product Development and Design, Environmental Design, Package Design, Transportation Design, Market Analysis, and Product Positioning for a wide range of international clients. Patricia is a frequent international lecturer, media guest, author of numerous articles, including the books DISGUISED: A True Story, The Business of Ageing [2005], and OUCH! Why Bad Design Hurts [in work].

Patricia has been internationally honored for her work, and is perhaps most well known for her work with OXO Good Grips??. She has been named by ID Magazine as one of The 40 Most Socially Conscious

Designers in the world and was selected in 2000, by a consortia of news editors and organizations, as one of The 100 Most Important Women in America. ABC World News featured Moore as one of 50 Americans defining the new millennium.

Patricia holds undergraduate degrees in Industrial & Environmental and Communication Design from the Rochester Institute of Technology (Awarded "Alumna of the Year" 1984), and graduate degrees in Psychology and Counseling and in Human Development (Social Gerontology) from Columbia University; Completion of Advanced Studies in Biomechanics at New York University's Medical School & Rusk Institute.

Patricia Moore's visit has been organised by The New Zealand Institute for Research on Ageing (NZiRA) and made possible thanks to sponsorship from Southern Cross Healthcare. Patricia will be in New Zealand from mid-September to Mid-October this year. She will travel around the country making presentations on the design implications of population ageing and on 'inclusive design'.


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