
Socket is an informal gathering for creative and complimentary businesses – owned or run by women in Wellington, Aotearoa. Its free, it’s fun -- plug into a network of information and support

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Switch On: July 2005

Switch On: seminars, workshops, exhibitions, events

The New Cool: Free Seminars
A series of free seminars runs alongside the exhibition to give visitors the opportunity to meet The New Cool company directors and learn how to develop a positive entrepreneurial attitude.
Dates 2 July, 9 July, 16 July
Registration Online at The Dowse’s groovy new website at:, or phone 570-6500.

The New Cool: Super-charger Workshop
Presented by The Dowse and Positively Wellington Business for those involved in animation, film, video, SFX, media, music, games, entertainment, software development, publishing, fashion or design, The New Cool Super-charger Workshop is designed to give existing creative businesses a boost.
The workshop is for you if you’re looking to grow your business, with a new market penetration or product launch planned for the coming year. Alternatively, you may have reached a capacity level and be unsure about getting to the next level. You’re passionate about your business, and focused on seeing it grow to be world class and/or worldwide.
Dates 30 – 31 July & 3 – 4 September
Numbers Limited to 15 places
Cost $200 incl. GST
Registration Email to be sent a registration form, which needs to be returned by 16 July.

Contemporary Dutch Graphic Design
From the Netherlands. Words & Images (c.1990-2004) curated by Toon Lauwen.
Contemporary Dutch Graphic Design: Work from over 60 designers and design studios –
ranging from the influential senior designers to trail-blazing renegade youngsters. Designers include: Irma Boom, Wim Crouwel, Karel Martens, Maureen Mooren & Daniel van der Velden, Jop van Bennekom, Mediamatic, and Zee.
Where The Great Hall, Massey University
College of Creative Arts, Buckle Street, Building 10, Wellington


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