Switch On: June 2005
Aotearoa’s new generation of street-smart and savvy entrepreneurs are the undisputed New Cool of business. They’re young, hip, innovative and ambitious and have leapt into the business world from our snow fields, skate parks, clubs, spacie parlours, art schools and back streets.
The New Cool showcases the stories of 12 young New Zealand companies: Sticky Pictures, Loop Aot(ear)oa Recordings, Illicit Streetwear, Dawn Raid Entertainment, Misery, Insidious Fix, First Floor Publishing, Huffer, Disruptiv, Inject Design, Sidhe Interactive and Metia Interactive.
Organisation The Dowse
Date Until 30 August
Entry Free
Opening Hours Weekdays, 10am – 4pm; Weekends and Public Holidays, 11am – 5pm
Address 45 Laings Rd, Lower Hutt
Phone 570-6500
Website www.dowse.org.nz
The New Cool: Free Seminars
A series of free seminars runs alongside the exhibition to give visitors the opportunity to meet The New Cool company directors and learn how to develop a positive entrepreneurial attitude.
Dates 2 July, 9 July, 16 July
Registration Online at The Dowse’s groovy new website at: www.dowse.org.nz, or phone 570-6500.
The New Cool: Super-charger Workshop
Presented by The Dowse and Positively Wellington Business for those involved in animation, film, video, SFX, media, music, games, entertainment, software development, publishing, fashion or design, The New Cool Super-charger Workshop is designed to give existing creative businesses a boost.
The workshop is for you if you’re looking to grow your business, with a new market penetration or product launch planned for the coming year. Alternatively, you may have reached a capacity level and be unsure about getting to the next level. You’re passionate about your business, and focused on seeing it grow to be world class and/or worldwide.
Dates 30 – 31 July & 3 – 4 September
Numbers Limited to 15 places
Cost $200 incl. GST
Registration Email dowse@huttcity.govt.nz to be sent a registration form, which needs to be returned by 16 July.
Celebrate Mana Wahine 2005 by lunching with the Women’s Business Network and the Ministry of Women’s Affairs
Guest speakers will be Maori business women Teresa Tepania-Ashton, Chief Executive, Te Runanga a-Iwi o Ngapuhi and Tania Simpson, founding Director of Kowhai Consulting, an award-winning Waikato-based consultancy in environmental management.
Date 12-2pm, 23 June Cost $49.50
Registration Online at http://www.womens-business.org.nz/Next_meeting.html
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