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Wednesday, July 19, 2006

BOOK : Rich Women by Kim Kiyosaki

From (this has had mixed reviews on Amazon, but could be worth a peek).

In the past women have not made up a significant proportion of investors, however in this age of defacto relationships and divorce women need to learn to safeguard their financial futures. Kim Kiyosaki recognises this and is sending out a warning to New Zealand women that the only person they should rely on financially is themselves if they want to avoid financial disaster. Her new book is designed to encourage and teach women to invest so they can avoid becoming a statistic.

Did you know that:
* 47% of women over 50 are single
* up to 50% of all marriages end in divorce
* in the first year after a divorce, a womans standard of living drops an average of 73%

Kim is the co-founder of the Rich Dad company (she is married to Robert Kiyosaki author of the bestselling book Rich Dad Poor Dad) and owns a multi-million dollar real estate company in her own right.


A Book on Investing for Women

By Kim Kiyosaki

“Because I hate being told what to do.”

Kim Kiyosaki’s Rich Woman
delivers a much needed financial reality check

Kim Kiyosaki, wife of bestselling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad has a warning for New Zealand women. In her new book, Rich Woman – Because I hate being told what to do! this seasoned investor, independently wealthy and savvy businesswoman warns women of the perils of relying on a husband, partners and even parents for their financial security.

Rich Woman - Because I Hate Being Told What To Do! is her reality check for women everywhere educating them that the only person they should ever rely on financially is themselves if they want to avoid financial disaster.

“Today, more than ever, we as women can no longer depend on someone else, be it our husband or partner, our parents, our boss or our government to take care of us financially,” Kim says. “What was true for our mothers and grandmothers is not applicable to us today. In my opinion women must learn to ensure a secure life for themselves and their children. The rules have changed and it’s time we take control of our futures.”

Kim has always focused on her own investment plan, totally independent of business partnerships, and has built a multi-million dollar real estate empire. She maintains that the rewards that come with personal investment go way beyond dollars and cents.

“There are many powerful rewards for women who take the time and effort to become serious investors,” says Kim. “Financial security brings greater self-confidence, better relationships, less stress, more happiness. I don’t like being told what to do – especially when it comes to my money. Investing has allowed me the freedom to choose what I want and that freedom is worth it all.”

Kim believes that when it comes to money, men and women are truly worlds apart, historically, psychologically and emotionally. However she is adamant that the common obstacles that hold so many women back are easily outweighed by advantages that also give them the investment edge including:

• Women are not afraid to say “I don’t know” so they remain open to learning and understanding the investment arena
• Women are willing to ask for help. Unlike men, women are far more likely to ask for help and don�t waste valuable time trying to figure out strategies on their own
• Women do their homework : women spend more time researching investment choices - buying because a deal makes sense rather than make a big point of purchase
• Women's great shopping skills mean they're naturals and are good at finding bargain properties!

• The facts are that many women over fifty are single with 46 % of marriages ending in divorce, says Kim. “Women simply have to find the time to take financial control to ensure they maintain their dignity and self-respect, no matter what life might throw at them and not have to depend on a man, a family, a company or a government– ever.”

Publication Date: 18th July 2006 RRP: $34.95, paperback
Distributed in New Zealand by Addenda Publishing

About the author
In 1989, Kim Kiyosaki began her real estate investing career with a purchase of a 2-bedroom, 1 bathroom rental house in Portland, Oregon. In 1996, Kim co-founded, along with husband Robert Kiyosaki, the Rich Dad company and designed the CASHFLOW� board game. Robert Kiyosaki is the author of international best seller Rich Dad Poor Dad. Today Kim�s real estate investment company buys, sells and manages millions of dollars worth of property. Kim strongly advocates and encourages women to get into the world of investing.


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