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Thursday, April 06, 2006

THEATRE : Radio Shade: Project Antigone

WHEN: Wed 19 – Sat 22 April

Wed 26 – Sat 29 April

WHERE: Newtown Community Centre (Cnr Rintoul & Colombo Sts)

Red Mole’s version of Sophocles’ classic drama is set in a pirate radio station in Hades, hosted by the enigmatic Firewoman. As the drama unfolds, Firewoman conducts interviews with characters both mythic and historical, including the prophetess Kassandra, the poet Sappho, the philosopher Socrates, the heroine Antigone, and there is even an appearance by the dramatist Sophocles himself. The production includes masks, puppets, and glorious live music by Jeff Henderson and Isaac Smith. The performers are Ruby Brunton, Ksenija Chobanovich and Sally Rodwell. Apart from Sophocles’ lyrical text, there are poems by Alan Brunton, Anne Carson, Sappho and the Red Mole actors. Developed in a series of workshops, the production is a feast for the senses.

For further information:

Call Red Mole: 383 6375

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